Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that can be saved on your computer when visiting websites.

1. Introduction

Our website, (hereinafter: “the website”), uses cookies and other related technologies (for convenience, all technologies are referred to as “cookies”). On this page, we inform you about the use of cookies on our website.

2. What are cookies?

A text file stores information, such as your language preference for a website. When you visit the website again, this cookie is sent to the website again. That way the website recognises your browser and can remember your language preference, for example.

Cookies also usually have an expiry date. Some cookies, for example, are automatically deleted when you close your browser (so-called session cookies), while others remain on your computer for a longer period of time, sometimes even until you delete them manually (so-called permanent cookies).

3. Why do we use cookies?

UCLL uses the types of cookies on

  • essential cookies;
  • functional cookies;
  • analytical cookies.

UCLL uses essential and functional cookies to manage the content of its website. These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of this website. You cannot refuse these cookies if you want to visit our website.

UCLL also uses Matomo Analytics for analytical purposes. This analysis tool places cookies which we use to measure website visits (traffic). This tells us, among other things, how many times a particular page is read. We only use this information to improve the content of our website or as a starting point for a new campaign on a particular subject of interest.

This analysis tool is installed on our own servers. They are therefore “first party” cookies. This means that we have full control over the information collected by these cookies. No data is sent to a third party. Consequently, we can guarantee that this information will not be used for other purposes.

Essential cookies

These cookies are necessary for purely technical reasons for a normal visit to the website. Given the technical necessity, only an information obligation applies, and these cookies are set as soon as you visit the website.

Purpose: basic service

Functional cookies

You may not refuse these cookies if you wish to browse our website but they will only be placed after a choice has been made regarding the placement of cookies. By placing functional cookies, we make it easier for you to visit our website. For example, you do not have to keep entering the same data when visiting our website and your data will, for example, remain visible on the screen until you have submitted the contact form.

Purpose: basic service

Analytical cookies

We use these cookies, among other things, to know how many times a particular page is read. We only use this information to improve the content of our website. These cookies are only placed after you have given your consent.

Purpose: statistics

4. Cookies

Placed cookies


We use Elementor for content creation. Read more.

Sharing data

This data Is not shared with third parties.

Name Retention Function
elementor Persistent Store performed actions on the website.


We use Matomo for website statistics. Read more.

Sharing data

This data Is not shared with third parties.

Name Retention Function
_pk_id 13 months Store performed actions on the Store a unique user ID.
_pk_ses 30 minutes
MATOMO-SESSID Session Provide fraud prevention.


We use Complianz for cookie consent management. Read more.

Sharing data

For more information, please read the Complianz Privacy Statement.

Name Retention Function
complianz_policy_id 365 days Store accepted cookie policy ID .
complianz_consent_status 365 days Store cookie consent preferences.


We use Polylang for locale management. Read more.

Sharing data

This data is not shared with third parties.

Name Retention Function
pll_languaged Persistent Store language settings.


We use WordPress for website development. Read more.

Sharing data

This data is not shared with third parties.

Name Retention Function
wordpress_logged_in_ Session Store logged in users.

Sharing data

Sharing of data is pending investigation.

Name Retention Function

The information on the cookies used on this website was obtained from the website


When you visit our website for the first time, we will show you a pop-up with an explanation about cookies. As soon as you click on “Accept”, you consent to us using all cookies and plug-ins as described in the pop-up and this Cookie Policy. You can disable the use of cookies via your browser, but please note that our website may no longer work properly.

5. Your rights in relation to personal data

You have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

  • You have the right to know why your personal data is needed, what happens to it and how long it is kept.
  • Right to access: you have the right to access your personal data held by us.
  • Right to rectification: you have the right to complete, correct, delete or block your personal data whenever you want.
  • If you permit us to process your data, you have the right to withdraw that permission and have your personal data deleted.
  • Right to transfer of your data: you have the right to request the transfer of all your personal data from the controller to another controller.
  • Right to object: you can object to the processing of your data. We will comply with this, unless there are legitimate grounds for processing.

Please contact us to exercise these rights. Please see the contact details at the bottom of this Cookie Policy. If you have a complaint about how we handle your data, we would like to hear from you, but you also have the right to complain with the supervisory authority.

6. Contact details

For questions and/or comments about our cookie policy and this statement, please contact us via the following contact details:

UC Limburg vzw

Agoralaan Gebouw B bus 4, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium



This cookie policy was last updated on 18/06/2021.

Detaillierte Ergebnisse aus Deutschland

In Deutschland haben insgesamt 32 Lehrkräfte aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen an der Umfrage teilgenommen. Sie beschreiben das Interesse ihrer Schüler am Klimawandel und am Umgang mit dem Thema Klimawandel als gemischt. Die Analyse zeigte auch, dass 29 der 32 Lehrer neue Methoden erlernen wollen. Hinsichtlich der Erwartungen an die Klimabildung wünschen sich die befragten Lehrer weniger Pflichtfächer in ihren Lehrplänen, dafür mehr projektorientiertes Lernen.

Ihrer Meinung nach sollte das Thema Klimawandel in möglichst vielen verschiedenen Teilen des Lehrplans aller Fächer verankert werden und Raum für Projekte im Unterricht zu Themen der Anwendung von Nachhaltigkeit lassen. Die Befragten schlagen ihren Schulleitern vor, mit Institutionen zusammenzuarbeiten, die bei Fragen des Klimawandels helfen könnten. Sie halten es auch für besonders wichtig, ihren Schülern neue Handlungsmöglichkeiten aufzuzeigen und an bestehende Initiativen anzuknüpfen.

Die Bedarfsanalyse hat auch gezeigt, dass die deutschen Schüler bisher nur über ein allgemeines Wissen zum Klimawandel verfügen. Sie sind zwar interessiert, aber aufgrund der Pandemie weniger engagiert. Das Interesse steigt jedoch, je älter die Schüler sind.

Die Lehrer hingegen sind sehr an dem Thema interessiert und motiviert, es in ihren Unterricht einzubauen. Der landesweite Lehrplan ist jedoch sehr streng. So kommt es, dass die Lehrer entweder bereits konkrete Methoden anwenden, um nachhaltige Ziele zu erreichen (und daher nicht so viele Ideen, sondern mehr Zeit benötigen, um ihre “coolen Konzepte” zu erweitern), oder zwar interessiert sind, aber nicht wissen, wie sie die neuen Ansätze in ihren Unterricht integrieren sollen.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass in Deutschland ein unterstützendes schulisches Umfeld, persönliche Kenntnisse über die anerkannte Wissenschaft des Klimawandels und die nationale Bildungspolitik die wichtigste Rolle spielen. Auch die Unterstützung durch die Gemeinschaft und die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien sollten nicht unterschätzt werden.