The 2nd Virtual Transnational Project Meeting

On 7th and 8th October 2021, the 2nd Virtual Transnational Project Meeting for the Climateracy Project took place. It was initially supposed to take place in Belgium, but due to the Covid-19 situation and difficulty of traveling, it was decided at the last minute to hold it online via Zoom.
The following topics were discussed during the meeting:
- IO1 –Educational Framework
The course outline is almost ready. The consortium is starting to work on the instructional methodology and logistics of the course.
- IO2 – Open Online Course-OOC
The Belgium partner who is the leader of the 2nd IO made a short presentation about LMS.
- Dissemination – review of activities, planning sustainability
The 1st newsletter will be published in November, including project’s progress in the previous 10 months; we also reviewed the communication plan, made suggestions regarding social media and discussed the creation of a project brochure.
- Evaluation –recommendations
Based on the discussions among the partners, even with the difficult situation with COVID19, all of them are satisfied with the current development of the Climateracy project.
- Project management
The Project management and the financial part for the Climateracy project was discussed with the project partners.
Thanks to all project partners and their participation in the virtual meeting – a very efficient discussion was held, and the planned agenda was closely followed. The participants were from the following organisations:
- Tallinn University (Estonia)
- UCLL (Belgium)
- Wila Wissenschaftsladen Bonn (Germany)
- University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
- ANS (Turkey)
- PAYDAŞ (Turkey)